Protect Your Loved Ones

Navigating Grief: The Financial and Emotional Costs of Funerals, Unpaid Bills, and Estate Planning

Cost of funeral and bereavement

Funeral costs can include burial plots, caskets and headstones, as well as flowers, obituaries and other associated services. The average cost for a funeral in the United States is $7,640. In addition to these tangible costs, there is also the emotional cost of grief and mourning which can be considerable.

Unpaid bills

Medical bills may include hospital stays or doctor visits that occurred prior to death, as well as prescription medications and long-term treatments such as chemotherapy or dialysis. Other unpaid debts may include credit card debt, utility bills or loans that cannot be paid due to the person's passing.

Estate planning

Estates plans are legally binding documents that provide instructions on how assets should be distributed following the death of a loved one. Without an estate plan in place, surviving family members may not be able to access bank accounts or insurance benefits. Additionally, disputes between family members over who gets what can arise if all assets are not accounted for in a will or trust document prior to death.

Benefits of Getting Final Expense Insurance with KJ Insurance Associates

You Don't Need to Worry, There is an Answer

Final expense insurance is an important tool for providing your loved ones with financial coverage after your death. With this type of policy, you can plan ahead and provide a guaranteed sum of money to cover funeral costs, estate planning expenses, and unpaid bills. This coverage can be tailored to match the specific needs of your family and help ensure they are provided for when you are no longer around. Taking advantage of final expense insurance is an essential way to protect your loved ones from unnecessary financial stress in the future.

Save Your Loved Ones From The Struggle

Preparing for the death of a loved one can be a stressful time for everyone involved. Finances and other costs associated with mourning are often significantly underestimated. Taking the time to plan ahead for funeral costs, unpaid bills, and estate plans will save your loved ones from having to bear this burden when you’re gone. Having an understanding of what resources are available and ensuring all assets are properly distributed in wills or trusts is essential to protecting your loved ones and preparing them for what might come after your passing.

Protect Yourself Against Bad Final Expense Insurance Plans.

Getting the right answer is all about finding what works for YOU, based on what you need and want and your life situation. Our approach to Final Expense Insurance is all about understanding YOU and the important details which make it possible to secure a good plan that gives you what you need most, while being reliable and affordable.

Overly expensive premiums

Many final expense insurance policies are inefficiently set up, and result in premiums which are too high to afford or difficult to keep up with due to your age or income level.

Lack of information about the coverage offered

There is often not enough explanation about what is covered by final expense insurance policies, making it difficult for you to determine if you have sufficient coverage.

Rigid policies that don't fit your needs

Many Final Expense Insurance policies will not match YOUR unique needs and desires, leaving you without the adequate coverage that they require.

Not All Final Expenses Insurance is Equal: Know What You're Getting Into

The three most common problems people face with final expense insurance are overly expensive premiums, a lack of information about the coverage offered, and rigid policies that don’t fit their needs. For many people, premiums for this type of coverage can be too high to afford or difficult to keep up with due to their age or income level. Additionally, there is often not enough explanation about what exactly is covered by these policies and if they are sufficient. Finally, some policies may be too rigid and not match the unique requirements of an individual’s situation which can result in less than adequate coverage.

The Truth Is …

You can have total transparency and understanding about your final expense insurance, and what you really need in order to make sure your loved ones are safe from financial burden after you pass.

Protect Yourself Against Bad Final Expense Insurance Plans.

Getting the right answer is all about finding what works for YOU, based on what you need and want and your life situation. Our approach to Final Expense Insurance is all about understanding YOU and the important details which make it possible to secure a good plan that gives you what you need most, while being reliable and affordable.

Your Complementary Final Expense Analysis Call

Click below to schedule your Complementary Final Expense call with us. We’ll talk about where you are now, what you need in order to assure you are covered, and we’ll review resources you may not be aware of which can be leveraged for a better financial footing (found cash).